We are very grateful to our financial supporters who contribute the operating costs.
Bear in mind again that the insulin and other supplies are donated to Insulin For Life and would otherwise have been wasted – we are receiving these without direct cost!
The long term support of the German Diabetes Association, through Insulin Zum Leben has made possible the growth of our program. Without the dedication and support of Mrs Heidi Schmidt-Schmiedebach this would not have happened and all of us express our appreciation and admiration.
We receive financial support from individuals and organisations in Australia, Germany, Japan and the United States for our operating costs.
And where would we be without the many voluntary helpers and donors of insulin and other items in many countries? See the IFL Affilliated Centres Map.
Thank you all! You are saving lives!
Our Expenses
Total Expenses
The total expenses (collection, storage, distribution, administration, travel and others) of operating Insulin for Life Australia are in the order of $US100, 000 each year, which includes remuneration for two Board Members (Ron Raab and Neil Donelan). The 5 Board Members of Insulin for Life undertake all the day to day operating activities.
About Travel
About travel, our policy is that only a small number of airfares are paid for from IFL funds. Much work by IFL Board Member overseas takes place at the same time as travel associated with their other professional diabetes activities, such as invited speakers, or as members of international organisations, or work done at overseas clinics and the airfares are not paid for by IFL. Some airfares are also paid by the Board Member themselves. This is part of the philosophy of Insulin for Life.
Sending the Donated Insulin and Supplies
About costs associated with sending the donated insulin and supplies, our procedure is to pay for all these costs for a trial amount to overseas organisations which we do not already supply, and in some other special circumstances. When a new destination has developed into an on-going, sustainable project, reimbursement of transport and handling costs from the recipient organization, or their supporters, per 10 ml insulin; per 50 test strips; per 100 syringes etc, is requested.
We rely on these and donations and grants to function. We have received significant on-going funding through Insulin Zum Leben Germany, resulting from the long- term dedication of Heidi Schmidt – Schmiedebach, who also managers the IFL Germany program (see above).
The Future
A lot of work has gone into establishing and expanding IFL Australia and IFL Global. We want the number of IFL collection and distribution centers to increase. We would like to gradually establish a capital fund to allow our life saving work to continue, and to grow, and to do this we need to work towards a secure long-term financial basis.
Please consider supporting IFL (see Help Us), and we welcome suggestions about how Insulin for Life can expand to achieve its potential. Thank you.